Beyond Health Medical & Diagnostic

Screening for a Healthier Tomorrow


Our Story

A little bit about us and the driving team behind our clinic. 

Health check-up Malaysia
Affordable health screening Malaysia

The two images represent the story of how Beyond Health Medical Diagnostics ( BHMD) started in 2022. The founders who are also the doctors here faced similar experiences in their own families which inspired and made them determined to play an important role to ensure the well-being of the public by having accessibility and more affordable health services.

Professional medical care

Our Dream Center


The high volume of people visiting government hospitals can be a major challenge for patients trying to get appointments quickly. With limited resources and staff, government hospitals can become overwhelmed and unable to accommodate everyone’s needs in a timely manner. This can lead to long wait times for appointments, delayed treatment, and frustration for patients.

At our diagnostic center, we offer a wide range of diagnostic services, including X-rays, ultrasounds and more. Our state-of-the-art equipment is operated by highly trained and experienced technicians, ensuring that our patients receive accurate and reliable results.


As an affordable medical diagnostic center, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality diagnostic services to our patients without breaking the bank. We understand that healthcare costs can be a major concern for many individuals and families, and we believe that everyone deserves access to the diagnostic tests they need to maintain their health and well-being.

We are committed to keeping our prices as low as possible, while still maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety. We work with most major health insurance providers, and we also offer self-pay options for those without insurance coverage.

We also offer payment flexibility ( in 3-installments) with PACE . Read more HERE

screening for a healthier tomorrow
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